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COVID-19 Accelerated Changes: Blockchain Application & Digital Currency
While the pandemic continues to transform the world as we know it, not everything has slowed down. Concepts that were once deemed futuristic have become a lot more urgent and are gaining a fair amount of traction.
In his “COVID-19 Accelerated Changes” series for Campaign Middle East, Fadi Maktabi, the managing director of Hearts & Science UAE, explores five of these concepts. For Blockchain Application & Digital Currency, AI/ML & Automation, Cloud Computing & Cyber security, Fluid Talent Management and the real application of the Internet of Things, the global pandemic is acting as a catalyst for their acceleration.
In his first article, Fadi explores Blockchain Application & Digital Currency. Specifically, he considers how perspectives have moved away from privacy and regulations towards their role in stabilizing the global economy.
Today, we’re discovering real life applications for governments to deploy in their battle again the virus, both from a medical and economic standpoint. It’s all about the flow of information as services get digitized and paperless.
COVID-19 has exposed failures in creating and maintaining sustainable supply chains, something blockchain technology can help address. For Fadi, the next stop is the full transparency in the payment chain with digital currency.
Who will be the winners from the added transparency into how products are made? How will this impact media and advertising and what benefits will this bring to marketers? This is what Fadi discusses in this insightful comment piece.
The time for blockchain is now, he says, because the emergency requires urgency.
You can read the full article on Campaign Middle East‘s website.