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OMG’s Geoff Calabrese Tells Digiday About the Joint Industry Committee’s Aggressive Goal

Geoff Calabrese, Chief Investment Officer, Omnicom Media Group, sits down with Digiday to discuss the Joint Industry Committee’s aggressive goal after joining the stage at NBCUniversal’s One23 event with fellow industry leaders. See the conversation below.


“The timing around [the Joint Industry Committee’s efforts] is aggressive. That’s my only hesitancy … but having an aggressive goal is a smart way to go about things. The full effect of it will take place in the 2024-’25 upfront. But as we build these baselines and standards, the entire industry will benefit …[Nielsen] will have a seat at the table — it’s important that Nielsen One is a part of this. We believe measurement in today’s world needs to be more modern … and right now there’s a big gap. Think about the technology we have — [measurement] no longer needs to be panel-based. And Nielsen’s working on that themselves.”

Geoffrey Calabrese, chief investment officer for Omnicom Media Group, referring to the coalition of advertisers, TV sellers, agencies and industry groups that are trying to establish common standards for the future of media measurement. Calabrese took part in a panel session addressing the topic at NBC’s One23 event last week.

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