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OMG POV: Adapting to COVID-19 – Programmatic Marketplaces
This POV was written by Mark Oster, Director, Trading Operations at OMG, with contributors Ben Hovaness, Brooke Abney, Michael Fugazzotto, Ben Lindsay, Jackson Chen, and Charles Johnson.
Executive Summary:
The COVID-19 crisis has created unprecedented conditions and challenges for consumers and businesses alike. Within the U.S. programmatic marketplaces, we have seen this play out in real- time as both supply and demand have shifted dramatically:
- Inventory availability (supply of ads) has increased as containment orders have been announced across the country.
- Businesses have slowed or paused ad spend as they re-evaluate their marketing approach in this new environment.
- Content consumption patterns have shifted as consumers adjust to the stay-at-home lifestyle.
- New patterns in video consumption have emerged in the absence of live sports and other tentpole entertainment events.
These conditions have had profound impacts on the marketplace: Display CPMs are down over 40% across all formats, YouTube CPMs are down over 25%, available Connected TV inventory is up over 40% with pockets of opportunity for discounts.
By utilizing our Omnicom Digital Content platform alongside partner data, we’re able to better understand these trends, and provide insights to our clients on this new marketplace environment.
Click to continue reading: COVID-19 Programmatic Pricing POV_24April20 (3)