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Omnicom Transact’s Keiko Osada on the State of Retail (Media) in 2023 (Video)
January 27, 2023 | By Jeff Minsky
One thing is certain in a year of uncertainty: the ever-changing retail and consumer shopping habits will dominate marketing discussions. The evolution of the shopping experience, driven by an incredible array of technological advancements, will be part of those conversations. The growing retail media business, with its first-party data and rapid expansion of players, is a beacon of light in the hazy mist of our current economic climate — when media budget cuts are de rigueur (at least through Q1).
The velocity of change in the retail sector can be overwhelming for marketers. That’s why Omnicom created Transact last September. The practice is focused on connected-commerce consulting and eTail execution services. Keiko Osada, Head of Development at Transact, was recently in New York to attend the National Retail Federation’s Big Show. She and I sat down and spoke about the show’s highlights, the rapid changes in retail, and what clients are most curious about for ’23.
“The more dynamic, in-store experiences like shelf talkers and the different ways it can be personalized, and how that relates to the CRM and promotional programs from retailers, will scale incredibly well over the next 12 months.”