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PHD US CEO Mike Solomon Named to the 2023 Campaign US 40 Over 40 List
July 13, 2023 | By Campaign US Staff
Advertising is known for chasing youth, and that is reflected in the talent pool.
With a median worker age of 39 years old in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, advertising is often described as a “young person’s game.” It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy in which those over 40 — especially women with children — tend to fall behind, and eventually off the radar.
The honorees on Campaign US’ 2023 40 Over 40 list prove that stereotype wrong.
Featuring industry powerhouses including Andrew Swinand, Suzanne Powers, Chris Boothe and Cavel Khan, the list shines a light on the entrepreneurs, leaders, operators and visionaries who prove that it is possible to build a career in advertising for the long term.
With the likes of Evan Horowitz, Dan Lucey, Jared Belsky and Charles Cantu, it highlights those who have built careers, companies and work we all aspire to and hold up as examples for the next generation.
The 40 Over 40 serves as an annual reminder for the industry to look beyond the next shiny object and place the value deserved on skill, experience and dedication.
With 47.5% female and 32% ethnically diverse representation, the list continues to reflect the changing face of the industry as we strive for a more diverse workforce. It was not lost on me, however, that last year’s list was more diverse, as many have felt that DE&I has fallen off the top of the industry’s priority list this year.
But it was encouraging to see executives including Chioma Aduba, Regi Cash, Atit Shah, Latraviette Smith-Wilson, Michael Solomon, Juan Tubert and others rise to the top of not just the list, but also their companies and careers.
Also notable is the mix of people from across a wide spectrum of businesses, from large agencies and brands to independent creatives to entrepreneurs — a healthy sign that talent is evenly distributed and not weighted toward the largest players or heaviest hitters.
I also love to see names such as Helen Hollien and Lauren Greenfield on this list, who represent the art and production talent that is so crucial to the work the ad industry creates and puts out into the world.
Congratulations to all our honorees, and thank you for building careers in this industry that we can all look up to.