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PHD’s Big Hug initiative aims to save lives
Media network’s CSR initiative to bring together communications industry
As part of their annual CSR initiative, PHD Big Hug, the international media network will be holding a two-day blood donation drive in the heart of Dubai Media City, endeavoring to bring the communications industry together in a bid to save lives. Held in partnership with the Dubai Blood Donation Centre, a specialized drop-in unit will be positioned outside of the agency’s headquarters – the Omnicom Media Group building – on March 11 and 12, allowing the Dubai Media City community at large to make donations in passing and at their convenience.
It is estimated that one in four patients admitted to hospitals in the UAE are in need of blood transfusions, particularly including cancer, transplant, trauma, Thalassemia and anemic patients. Yet, only 4% of the population donates the vital fluid that only the human body can create. This is why, this year, the focus is of PHD’s Big Hug is to raise awareness of the need for blood donations.
A global initiative, PHD Big Hug is an annual CSR project that supports local charities of the communities in which the international media network operates. Close to 20 PHD offices are participating in this international blood donation drive. In Dubai it will be conducted together with The Dubai Blood Donation Centre, which is a part of Latifa Hospital and provides blood to various humanitarian causes. Increasing awareness, and subsequently donations, is imperative to improving the effectiveness of medical care for critical conditions and ultimately saving lives.
“CSR is a crucial component of our corporate culture that adds a meaningful and invaluable layer to our work life, taking us beyond our daily roles,” said Elda Choucair, managing director of PHD UAE. “PHD Big Hug allows us to contribute to our community, while also leveraging our skills and talent in the communications industry to provide pro-bono services for a cause that improves our society as a whole.”