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The 4 key factors of a successful influencer marketing strategy

By Dalia Halabi, Manager – Brand Entertainment, OMD
Influencer marketing isn’t going anywhere, with brands allocating more of their budgets to this communication stream, but what are they 4 things to bear in mind when creating a successful strategy?

While the social platform play may be new, influencer advertising certainly isn’t. Though the faces have changed and the vehicles have evolved, the psychology of influence remains the same. The success of an influencer campaign rests on the incorporation of the principles of reputation and persuasion to subvert people’s purchasing decision-making processes.

Marketers who want to leverage an influencer strategy need to be mindful of the universal principles of persuasion: liking, authority, reciprocity, and consistency (Dr. Robert Cialdini’s. 2014). These psychological factors form the foundation for a successful influencer campaign.
To find out more on the 4 factors in detail, read the article in full on Communicate Online 