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No, Your Next CMO Won’t Be a Robot

With social distancing now prevalent across our daily lives, it has propelled our reliance on technology to new heights via automation, e-commerce, implementation of artificial intelligence, and adoption of machine learning. While it seems convenient in the realms of increasing efficiency and streamlining processes, there is a sense of dehumanization and loss of personal connection with these transformative avenues. This leaves many questioning if it’s only a matter of time before machines completely dominate the field of marketing and the martech industry.

Annalect MENA’s Senior Manager – Business Solutions, Oleksandr Cherviakov, believes that automation will make marketeers stronger, not fewer. In his latest opinion piece for Communicate, he explains that “Most businesses use automation to standardize and structure data and processes to simplify and accelerate them. This is how employees are freed from repetitive, low value, time-consuming tasks.” For marketing to evolve, automated systems are the key to keeping up with rapidly transforming digital landscapes. Looking back, the marketing world in analog was tedious and involved a lot of manual work. As the rise of digital data began to highlight the inadequacy to process the sheer volume of analysis involved for traditional agency structures, the industry needed an overhaul in terms of approach.  He elaborates just how automation benefitted the industry since then, “Automated systems powered by a combination of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) extend our reach, push further and dig deeper. Workflows needed rationalization and machines came to the rescue.”

With that being said, how exactly will these digital transformations be embraced within marketing functions in the contactless society we live in today? Read more from Oleksandr as he breaks down just how automation isn’t a threat but an essential accompaniment to today’s marketeer as it allows one to focus on extracting value from data insights which drive heightened connections with consumers.  Continue reading his article here to learn more.
