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OMG UK Futures’ The Future of Wellbeing report out now

The last two years have been unbelievably trying. Forbes catalogued that 2020 was the most stressful year on record, together with record levels of sadness and anger. Not 12 months later we were at war. Next, we have climate change.

This piece of thought leadership spotlights the trends driving the future of our wellbeing – from the increase in single people and falling fertility, to diets of the future, life-extension and the next impending challenge to humanity, climate change – together with the impact on consumer mindsets and the answers brands and businesses must formulate to see the next decades through.  The report focuses on three key areas:

  1. BRAIN | Emotional & Mental Wellbeing |  An investigation into those aspects of wellbeing that are tied to more emotive and attitudinal elements of the human experience: happiness, sadness, love, sex, marriage, our vocation and our aspirations.
  2. BODY |  Biological & Physical Wellbeing | In contrast to the more emotional-led aspects of wellbeing, we will also investigate the condition of our bodies, their repair and disrepair, its effect on lifespan and the knock on effect on culture and society.
  3. BIOSPHERE | Environmental & Planetary Wellbeing  | Whilst it is accurate to link our human wellbeing to our physical and emotional states, together with the drama and disease that govern them,  we must never overlook that ultimately our health and happiness is also inextricably intertwined with the health of the planet.

If you want to be a healthy and wealthy brand in the 2040s and beyond, you will need to be future-fit. Consumers will always have the same basic needs: health, wealth, love and companionship, but the technological and societal expression of those needs is about to become evermore complex and sophisticated and thus it will be incumbent upon companies to fulfil those needs in evermore complex and sophisticated ways. The Future of Wellbeing codifies the principles that will allow businesses and brands to prepare for what could be the biggest change in human requirements in centuries.

Read the full report here.
