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OMG UK pledge their support to the Ad Association Census
The Inclusion Group, formed in April 2020 by the Advertising Association, ISBA and the IPA and chaired by Kathryn Jacob, CEO, Pearl & Dean, is launching All In, a campaign to help build back a better, inclusive industry for all. The first element of the campaign will be a fully confidential and aggregated industry census on March 10, 2021. Recorded and analysed by Kantar, it will provide the very best record of the make-up of UK advertising’s workforce and a vital benchmark for progress. The results will be used to inform an Action Plan to be launched at an industry summit this summer addressing how greater inclusivity across all areas of the industry’s talent will be achieved.
The All In Census will be a short survey, easily completed online within a 30-minute window. All UK advertising and marketing services professionals will be invited to complete the survey. The distribution of the Census for March 10 will be supported by the members of the Advertising Association, IPA and ISBA to reach the teams at thousands of agencies, media companies, brands and tech companies.
The Census will be completely confidential and aggregated, recording all aspects of diversity and inclusion to provide the industry’s leaders with comprehensive data for the first time on how the industry performs on inclusivity. It is intended to inform actions that the Inclusion Group will put into place to make genuine and concerted progress on building a workplace that is inclusive for all.
The Inclusion Group will be conducting an All In countdown to the Census and is looking for support from across the industry to show that they are in, with their own ‘I’m In’ and ‘We’re In’ messages to help secure the biggest number of participants.
More details on the Census are available at the All In page on the Advertising Associations’ website.