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SXSW Leadership Perspective: Wilson Standish Recaps Amy Webb’s Tech Trends of 2023
In our second edition of SXSW Leadership Perspective, Wilson Standish had the opportunity to attend the popular Amy Webb’s Tech Trends for 2023. Ms. Webb, CEO of the Future Today Institute and professor at NYU Stern School of Business, dove into a data-driven analysis for the approaching tech trends to watch in 2023 and how to assess emerging innovation in various scenarios.
Key Learnings from the session:
- Re-perception: Adaptability is key. Don’t be afraid to shift your perspective. Amy Webb explained, “Reperception is the ability to become aware of white spaces, things others can miss. Remember to questions your assumptions about how business works. Look at it with curiosity instead of saying no immediately. Practice reperception every day.”
- Data mindfulness: As AI continues to advance at a rapid rate and many marketers work to decode what the opportunities are in the Metaverse, regulation, data transparency, and operability issues will need to be addressed.
- Literacy in the space: “Learning how to prompt correctly will be key to yielding this technology to one’s advantage,” shared Standish after the panel.